Covent IT has been primarily created for the structuring of global information systems development. We are interested in projects that allow us to unite humanity around common ideas. Our super-idea is to involve all interested parties in certain groups of global ideas.
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About us

About us

Covent IT is a team of professionals who specialized in providing IT- and human resources services since 2014.

Covent Group is a multi-level system
formed by many specialized, independent branches. They are all governed by the same Covent Group standards and share a common global goal.
The Covent Group incorporates
all the standards and benefits of the corporate system, allowing each branch to retain the atmosphere and benefits of our company.
We build IT projects
for government agencies, small and medium businesses, enterprises and startups.
Our IT Communities
are worldwide

Our Principles

Covent IT is a team of creative people
who know, understand and protect the interests of our clients. We understand the needs of high-tech and other modern companies and offer a wide range of services.
Individual Approach
Thanks to more than 20 years of experience,
Covent Group has a real connection to the technology industry and the business world in general.
We understand our customers' problems and needs,
as our top management grew from client to contractor. As a result, we have a strong bond with the technology industry and the business world.
We’ll get the team interested in your product
and also help you build strong relationships, so they become "a part of you" when needed.
We understand all the nuances of our client's business
and know how to optimize processes and structure successful collaboration. We always get to the heart of the matter and dive deeply to implement the best solutions.
Customer-Focused Approach
Each new client is a challenge we gladly accept.
It forces us to look for new and effective ways of working together, solving problems, and adapting quickly to changing market realities.
We see your limitations like budget, resources and time as a challenge
and look forward to finding innovative ways to meet your goals within these boundaries.
We have an impressive experience based on at least 270 examples
Our singular focus is to help companies make their products better, without any worries.

Our Key Services

Development Team Augmentation
Custom Software Development, Reengineering and Support
IT For Startups
IT For Enterprises
Struggling with your project?
Struggling with your project?
Struggling with your project?

How We Work

We design, invent, develop, and share your burden on your path to leadership. We understand the development of websites, applications, portals, products, and more that complement your enterprise
Agile Approach
An iterative approach for best results
Full Transparency
Of the development process and pricing.
Smooth Communication
Direct chat with team members in fluent English
Product Mindset
We treat your products like our own
Guaranteed Quality
Get a 6-month free maintenance
Data and IP Protection
High-security standards, GDPR compliance
Lacking a team of professionals?
Lacking a team of professionals?
Covent IT is your best choice. We are here to estimate your goals and a cost range for your project!
Lacking a team of professionals?

Social Life


About The Project
About The Project
Our team consists of highly motivated and skilled specialists who know how to deal with any issue that you may come across.
This creates a basis for lasting relationships with our clients built on trust and mutual understanding.

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