Web App Development

Launch your web app in one click

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Trusted by industry leaders

Our Industry-specific Services

E-commerce & Retail

We build custom online stores, marketplaces, and user-friendly online catalogs, tailored to your business needs.

Retail Software Development: Retail Software Development:

We develop innovative software solutions to streamline your retail operations, including inventory management and customer relationship management.


We offer a range of marketing technology solutions to boost your sales revenue by 10-18% according to our annual project stats.

Live Chat & Chatbots Live Chat & Chatbots

We can enhance customer communication with live chat and chatbot functionalities.

CRM Systems CRM Systems

We build Customer Relationship Management systems to streamline customer interactions.

Data Visualization Tools: Data Visualization Tools:

We can create data visualizations for insightful marketing decisions.


We create innovative learning tools with a 34% reduction in development costs, in regards to our annual project stats

Online Course Platforms Online Course Platforms

We are ready to build platforms to host and deliver online courses (e.g., Udemy-like platforms)

Learning Management Systems (LMS) Learning Management Systems (LMS)

We develop platforms for managing online courses and learning materials to deliver scalable and efficient education.

E-learning Apps E-learning Apps

We can design engaging e-learning applications for interactive learning.

Real Estate & Property

We build solutions to streamline the property search and management process

Rental & Leasing Apps Rental & Leasing Apps

We build apps for managing rental properties and facilitating leasing.

Property Listing & Tour Apps: Property Listing & Tour Apps:

We build applications to showcase properties and offer virtual tours.

Real Estate Agent Apps Real Estate Agent Apps

We create tools to empower agents with efficient property management features.


We develop advanced software solutions for electric vehicles, enhancing their performance and user experience

EV Charging Billing & Payment Solutions EV Charging Billing & Payment Solutions

We can create seamless billing and payment systems for EV charging, ensuring convenient and secure transactions.

Video on Demand (VOD)

We build robust VOD platforms for seamless video streaming to load your content faster

Content Management Systems (CMS) Content Management Systems (CMS)

We develop CMS to manage video content efficiently and publish content faster.

Multi-Platform Development Multi-Platform Development

Build your VOD apps for various devices and platforms.

Live-Streaming Solutions Live-Streaming Solutions

We enable real-time video streaming capabilities.

Cross-platform apps

Featured Case studies

EndoTech - The global leader in alternative investments
Industry: Blockhain
Israel Israel

EndoTech - The global leader in alternative investments

EndoTech LTD is a trailblazer in AI-driven automated trading, pioneering the industry's first Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution. Our customer needed a more robust team of professional developers, that’s why we created a separate nearshore development team. As a result of working with EndoTech, we increased the engagement rate up to 67%.

SalesBox – Solution to quickly launch e-stores
Industry: E-commerce
Poland Poland
Ukraine Ukraine

SalesBox – Solution to quickly launch e-stores

The app helps entrepreneurs swiftly launch e-stores on the web and as a dedicated mobile app. The platform efficiently handles incoming orders, manages customer interactions, and drives repeat sales. A platform has been included in the list of top 100 Ukrainian companies in 2021.

Allo – Marketplace development
Industry: E-commerce
Ukraine Ukraine

Allo – Marketplace development

We developed a hub for partner registration and participation in the Allo marketplace. Established a robust infrastructure leveraging AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform and Spot ocean solutions. Employed Blue Green Deploy, which made it possible to release new changes without stopping ongoing operations.

E-Check – Cash desk and POS terminal for smartphones
Industry: E-service
Ukraine Ukraine

E-Check – Cash desk and POS terminal for smartphones

App for small and medium-sized businesses, allows you to issue electronic checks to customers and accept all types of contactless payments. E-Check sends Z-reports to the tax office and sends checks via messengers, e-mail, SMS, or QR code. In the end, we increased the downloading rate of the web app up to 150%.

Goodwine Home – online home accessories store
Industry: E-commerce
Ukraine Ukraine

Goodwine Home – online home accessories store

It is an accessories store that has gathered the most worthy representatives of world brands, including authentic products. The store was created on the Prestashop platform. During the implementation phase, we integrated the e-store with the online payment service Portmone, payment via Google Pay and Apple Pay, and authorization via social networks.

“Team” – Full-fledged HRM system
Industry: HRM – In-house
Ukraine Ukraine

“Team” – Full-fledged HRM system

Our team implemented an in-house and full-fledged HRM system that includes a variety of integrations, starting from Jira/Redmin (to collect the worklogs) and ending up with corporate messenger integration (a chat bot that checks mood, sends questionnaires, and a day agenda for HR’s). The system includes HR core features, employee management, a project hub, time tracking, and versatile reports in one tool. The HRM allows you to manage all employee data, employee profiles, absences, compensation, and overtime, making it a perfect tool for your business. As a result, we increased the engagement rate for our group up to 87%.

EnglishHouse – English language school
Industry: Education
Ukraine Ukraine

EnglishHouse – English language school

It is a language school for the whole family that offers online courses throughout Ukraine. We developed a fresh new design and implemented testing options depending on the dynamic formation of blocks on the page using the SirTrevor block editor, which collects data from all forms on the site. As a result of this project, we increased the sales up to 40%, thankfully to a new design.

Our Industry-agnostic Services

Web Product Design

We craft beautiful and user-friendly interfaces optimized for mobile devices, which, according to our client's Uteka manager stats, can allow you to increase website traffic by up to 298%.

Concept & Prototyping Concept & Prototyping

Turn your ideas into tangible prototypes that showcase the core functionalities of your web app.

Deliverables Deliverables

An idea document, a clickable prototype.

Custom Web App Development

We handle the entire development process, ensuring your web app works seamlessly across various platforms. For example, Flutter has allowed us to optimize development costs and save approximately 29% in time compared to native development in the Moyo project.

Deliverables Deliverables

A prototype, a minimum viable product (MVP), or a fully developed solution.

Web Testing and Quality Assurance

We thoroughly test your web app for functionality, performance, usability, and accessibility to deliver a defect-free experience. We can also employ automated testing to increase efficiency, ensure comprehensive coverage, and speed up the testing process.

Deliverables Deliverables

The thoroughly tested solution is ready for the upcoming release.

Web App Maintenance & Support

Our dedicated support team provides ongoing maintenance, troubleshooting, and updates to optimize your application’s performance. We offer proactive support to prevent issues and ensure maximum uptime.

Bug Fixing Bug Fixing

We quickly identify and resolve any issues to keep your web app running smoothly.

Regression Testing Regression Testing

We ensure that new updates don't introduce unintended issues.

Root Cause Analysis Root Cause Analysis

Our team reduces future bugs and identifies the underlying causes of problems for a permanent fix.

Web App Audit & Scaling

We thoroughly evaluate your web app to identify areas for improvement, uncover vulnerabilities, assess code quality, evaluate technical debt, review logging and monitoring practices, and ensure secure data handling and endpoints.

List of Improvements: List of Improvements:

We provide a detailed report outlining areas for a 100% optimized process.

UI/UX Audit UI/UX Audit

We assess the user experience and suggest enhancements, which, based on our annual report stats, can boost your revenue income by 56% within a year.

Implementing New Functionality Implementing New Functionality

We can add features based on your evolving needs (applicable to the Developed Solution phase).

Integration with Third-Party Systems

We devise a strategic plan to seamlessly integrate third-party systems into your web app, which is according to our stats will streamline your processes by 44%.

API Integration API Integration

We seamlessly connect your web app with necessary APIs or end-points for data exchange.

Third-Party Integration Third-Party Integration

We expertly manage the integration process to enhance your app's capabilities with external services.

Web App Release Management

We use DevOps services for a smooth development, testing, and deployment pipeline. That’s the real reason why we can easily reduce deployment time and optimize development costs up to 69% as we did in our collaboration with Salesbox.

DevOps Services DevOps Services

We provide comprehensive DevOps solutions to streamline your web app development and deployment processes.

Release Planning Release Planning

Our team meticulously plans each release to ensure a smooth and successful deployment.

Rollback Planning & Release Monitoring Rollback Planning & Release Monitoring

We prepare the detailed rollback plans and reactively monitor releases to quickly address any issues.

Cross-platform apps

Our Technologies



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